In the year 2000, each Parish had to have a "Millennium Project". Fr Pat had just come back from his first visit to Peru and witnessed how poor they were. Our first project was to raise £20,000 in that year to help build Fr Alex the first church. The Parish did this after many, many kind donations and much fundraising.
It has just carried on from that year. Our generous Parish have continued to donate towards the various projects Fr Alex has undertaken over there. A working/outreach kitchen that provides over 500 meals every day to the young, ill, elderly and housebound. A Medical Centre, an eye clinic and a cottage industry for women to learn craft etc to support themselves and their children.
To date (April 2016) we have raised £117,000!
In 2015 we raised £14,000 which went towards 1 community room which is earthquake proof! (Fr Alex's request, instead of the Christmas toys we usually donate).
As Fr Alex's new vast area is in need of at least four community rooms. There currently is nowhere there for the people to gather.