We are driving forward in our Peruvian Project to help raise funds for Fr Alex and his ministry.
Fr Alex wrote a message to our Parish which can be found here.
We are raising funds with 2 lucrative raffles. Barrow of Delight and a Rocking Horse with goodies.
Barrow of Delight
The Barrow of Delight made it's first appearance at the Christmas Bazaar 2017 and was extremely successful. Tickets are £5 each, you have a chance to win a wheelbarrow full of a wide range of alcohol.
Rocking Horse with goodies
This is new this year, tickets are 50p each. The winning ticket will receive a beautifully crafted Rocking Horse with saddlebag full of goodies!
Again, all proceeds of both raffles will go to the Peruvian Project.
Tickets can be bought from the Presbytery or after Mass at the back of the Church.
Good luck and we welcome your participation for this great cause.