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Changes to the Mass

Firstly, the latest newsletter (which can be found here) has all of the information. Please give it a thorough read. If you are planning on coming to Mass this is a vital read.

Also, before each Mass Fr. Zammit will brief the congregation on what to expect etc.

What is going to change at the actual Mass?

  • Short homily (5 Minutes)

  • No offertory procession

  • No sign of peace

  • No singing

  • No Mass book

  • Holy Communion in the hand only

  • No bidding prayers

  • Limited capacity, there is seating for 50 people, another 10 seats are in reserve.

Other changes:

  • Before entry:

  • A test and trace form must be filled at each Mass

  • This form should be handed in when leaving the Church

  • On entry:

  • You must use the hand sanitiser provided when entering the Church

  • Distance of 1 metre plus must be observed (not including within households/support bubbles)

  • You must have your face covered. Ideally a mask but if not possible please bring a scarf, handkerchief etc

  • No singing allowed

  • We must follow instructions at all time

  • The weekly collection is taken after Mass when you leave the Church

  • Toilets will be closed

  • No Holy water

  • Each Mass will have volunteered stewards, they must be listened to at all times

  • You must go up for Holy Communion one row at a time, front to back

  • On exit:

  • You must exit via the fire doors at the front of the Church by the Altar.

  • You will also be asked to sanitise your hands when leaving

  • Before you exit you will be able to hand in your Test and Trace forms and any weekly collection donation/second collection

  • Like Holy Communion, exiting will be done 1 pew at a time

  • The fire exit door will be open during Mass, should you need to leave the Church please exit via these doors, not the entrance


Test and Trace Form

Above is the Test and Trace form that will be a requirement for anyone celebrating Mass at the Church. As mentioned, you will pick these up when you enter and you can fill it in once inside, you will then be required to hand it in when you leave the Church. You may also like to print this image and bring it with you if you have a printer.

These forms will be then sealed in an envelope for each Mass.

The Bishops have now issued the following guidelines in conformity with

the Government Guidance.

  • Parishes should endeavor to create an accurate temporary record of those who attend Mass or another service in the church from the 4 July

  • The record should include:

  • the name of the person / household group

  • A note of a suitable method for Test and Trace staff to make contact, i.e. a mobile phone number, email address, other phone number, or postal address

  • The record should be collected as people enter church for Mass and retained securely for 21 days. Please keep records for each Mass separately in a secure envelope which clearly states the time and date of the Mass attended.

  • The choice of method for recording this information is to be made by each parish. Among the possible options available are:

  • An advance booking system which will record contact details as people ‘book’ a place for Mass

  • Pre-completed cards to be filled in at home and brought to Mass.

  • Stewards recording the relevant details as each person arrives for Mass

  • Information recording must be done in a manner which meets the guidance for preventing the spread of the COVID-19 virus. This will include not providing pens for reuse.

  • If a visitor initially refuses to cooperate:

  • They should be asked to do so politely, reassuring them that this is in line with Government advice and an act in service of the common good for the potential benefit of all present.

  • If they do not wish to do so they should be invited to leave.

  • If any individual becomes aggressive and/or refuses to co-operate with any of the hygiene or social distancing requirements, this should be reported to the police.


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