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Gift Aid 2022

Participants in the Gift Aid/Covenants (Weekly Envelopes contributions) Scheme are asked to collect their new boxes of envelopes, for the weekly offertory collection, from the back of the church this week please. The new envelopes start from 5th June 2022.

Through the Gift Aid scheme, the Tax Man still gives our Parish an extra 25 pence for every £1 you donate, as a UK taxpayer. That’s £25 from the Tax Man for every £100 donated per year. Its a lot of money and it’s a great opportunity to boost our badly-needed parish funds.

We are very grateful to St Vincents’ parishioners for your continued support over the last two years, throughout the COVID pandemic. While there was an inevitable decline in use of the weekly Gift Aid envelopes donations because of “Lockdowns”, more parishioners set up online/ BACS donations to replace or add to their weekly envelopes donations. But we are now seeing a steady return of parishioners to the use of the weekly envelopes system, with both Gift Aid weekly envelopes and online donations now used in our Parish.

So, if your donations to our Parish are not yet through the Gift Aid scheme, we would strongly ask you to consider starting this means of support for our Parish, if you are a taxpayer, paying sufficient tax to cover your donations. Just sign a simple form (blank forms and explanatory leaflets are at the back of the church) and hand it back to Fr Pat or to Gerry Mogg, (your local Gift Aid scheme organiser). It need cost you no more than your present weekly donations in loose money, because there is no lower (or upper) limit; and you don’t have to give for a minimum period.

Most people continue to use the envelopes that St Vincents provides to them for the offertory collection at Mass each week, although (as above) some now prefer to donate online. Tax payers who identifiably donate to a Parish cause, including Mass stipends and our Peru fund, are also able to have those donations included in the scheme. Whichever method(s) of donation you choose, they are of great value to our Parish; and it is confidential. Have a chat with Father Pat about it all or give Gerry Mogg a phone call on 01322 860193.

... And if you are already a taxpayer donating to our Parish via the Gift Aid scheme, we would like to take this opportunity to say a big “Thank You”. Please would you also consider increasing your donations, if you are able to do so in these difficult times. Also, to prevent future incorrect claims, please let Father or Gerry know if you have moved address, or if your tax status changes (i.e. if you cease to be a taxpayer, or if the income tax you have paid or expect to pay would be insufficient to cover the total amount being reclaimed by the charity on your behalf).

Very many thanks to all for supporting our Parish in this way and we ask you please to continue to do so, as the HMRC Taxman’s additional 25% contribution to your GiftAid-ed donations is really helpful to us.


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