The Archbishop has informed us that the government has given leave for Communal Acts of Worship from the 4th July in the Catholic Churches. This is truly good news after weeks and months of anticipation as to when one can worship and attend Mass at Church.
A strict set of guidelines needs to be followed here are some points highlighted by the Bishops.
Social Distancing is important. The Parish has chosen the 1 metre plus Seating Plan. This means that there must be at least 1 metre in all directions between each person/household also everyone in the congregation must wear a suitable face covering.
At each Mass there will be two assistants to ensure that all the necessary rules are observed.
The maximum number of people attending a Mass is fifty. For this reason, there is going to be an extra Mass hence the temporary change in time of masses.
Starting from next Saturday the Mass times are as follows:
Mon-Fri morning: 9am
Saturday evening: 6.30pm
Sunday morning: 8.00am, 10.00am, 12.00 noon
Sunday evening: 5.00pm
For those at risk, the sick and the housebound the 10.00am Mass will be streamed.
The weekday Mass will be at 9.00am followed by Private Prayer till 10.00am.
Further instructions will be given just before each Mass.
Lastly, I have been asked how Parishioners can make the weekly contribution to the Parish. What I suggest is to contribute later as we open the Church for regular worship which is due to start next weekend the 4th/5th July or to pay by direct debit. The following are details to pass on to your bank:
NatWest Dartford Branch, 12 High Street, Dartford DA1 1DD
Account Number: 07536283 Sort Code: 60-06-33
We look forward to welcoming you back into our Church.
God bless you all