I hope you all had a restful and blessed summer break. Autumn is nearly here and there is another newsletter informing you about upcoming important dates for your diary.
Parents of the 2019 first Holy Communicants are reminded that there will be five talks starting on Thursday, 20th September in the conference centre from 7-8pm.
We are also preparing for next year's Sacrament of Confirmation. Application forms can be found at the back of the church. Young people aged 12 and above are eligible to receive the Sacrament. This year forty seven candidates were confirmed by Bishop Paul Mason which was such a blessed time for the parish.
Archbishop Peter Smith will be celebrating Mass at St. George's Cathedral, Westminster Bridge Road, SE2 7HY, on Friday, 21st September, at 12.30pm, in honour of Stella Maris, Our Lady Star of the Sea, Patron of the Apostleship of the Sea. The Mass will be followed by a reception and all are welcome.
There will be a Parish-in-Council Meeting on Sunday, 30th September after the 11am Mass. The meeting will be held in the Parish hall along with a buffet lunch.

You can see more details from this week's newsletter by clicking here.